Want to Save Two Hours a Day? Take this 5-Part Course - Developing an Effective, Customized Master List and Organizing a
More Effective Day & Week
Is your list longer at the end of the day? Do you feel frustrated that you couldn't get what mattered most done because you were putting out fires all day? Would you like to take control of your day, see improved results, have less stress, and improve your work/life balance? Then this 5-Part virtual micro-learning course is the answer. Organizing for Success Version 4.0 is finally available! Just click on the link below to get to our virtual platform. You have two options:
​You can purchase a Site License and add this program to your LMS
You can purchase for yourself (the cost is normally $99 but for the first 30-days you can save $50 ($49). Don't wait another minute because the discount is only available for 30-days.
Note: Copy and Paste this Coupon Code to Get Discount: ZeiglerTraining24
NOTE: This offer includes:
New 2024 Organizing for Success 4.0 book (digital)
Timekeeping Journal
Master List Template
Does your list seem to get longer and longer each day? Are you discouraged at the end of each day because you're not completing everything on the list? Is your list longer at the end of the day?
Too many lists can be overwhelming. In the first two modules you'll learn to put your tasks on paper or digital device and out of your mind. Once your mind can see everything you need to get done the next three modules will show you how to more effectively get them done. See your productivity soar almost immediately!
What you'll learn in Modules One and Two:
The difference between a to-do list and a Master List
Why an effective Master List is so important.
Why it's so important to immediately write down thoughts, ideas, and tasks to create better focus and concentration.
Suggestions for "customizing" your Master List so it does more for you.
Why it's so important to only have one list.
How to constantly improve the results of your customized Master List
Digital alternatives instead of using paper.
How to analyze your Master List at the end of the day to create better results tomorrow.
How to use your Master List to write a more effective performance review.
How to spend less time organizing and get better results
How to find information you need faster
What you'll learn in Modules Three thru Five:
How to use the three keys each day to get more done in less time
How to use the end the day to create mental separation between work and home
How to get off to a faster start each day
How to get more done in the morning and have an easier afternoon
How to defer distractions and interruptions so you can get more of what matters done each day.
How to spend less time in meetings and email
How to finish (not just start) more tasks each day
How to batch ad use your energy cycles to your advantage
How to organize a more effective week
What You'll Receive
Five-Day Timekeeping Journal
The Master List Template
Interruption and Distraction Log
Productivity Improvement Checklist
Certificate of Completion
An openness to exploring and trying new ways to organize.
A willingness to put in the work to change and transform your work/life balance.